In the heart of a grueling season, the Green River High School Boys Swimming and Diving team is proving they're more than ready to rise to the challenge. Last week's back-to-back competitions saw the ...
A former lifeguard and swimming coach in Brookline, Massachusetts was arrested at his home on Thursday, accused of recruiting children as young as 10 years old to produce and send him child ...
Water turtles require more extensive care and are recommended to be kept outdoors to help duplicate it's natural environment, the club said. The turtle needs a large swimming area (a children's pool ...
Except for scoring, Wednesday night’s boys soccer match between Chico High and Pleasant Valley had a little bit of a lot of things. There were breakaway runs, flicks on goal, power shots, headers and ...
Penrith Beach remains the coolest place to be this summer with a host of free activities drawing visitors from Western Sydney and beyond for a second successive swimming season.
At 90 years old, D’yan Forest is proving that life — and laughter — don’t have an expiration date. The Guinness World Record holder for the Oldest Working Female Comedian still takes the stage with ...
FOX 13's Evan Axelbank reports on a letter from St. Pete City Administrator Rob Gerdes to Rays President Matt Silverman. In it, Gerdes says that while the city is legally obligated to fix the damage ...
JR Bents and Gentry Olson took a moment to reminisce during a break in the action at a basketball exhibition between Cloquet's "unified" gym class and their counterparts from a similar team in Bemidji ...