So, a swollen lymph node does not necessarily mean cancer. Other reasons a lymph node may swell include: An armpit lump accompanied by signs of infection requires medical treatment. Hidradenitis ...
There are many possible causes for these lumps. Treatment for a lump while breastfeeding depends on the cause. Sometimes lumps will go away on their own or with home treatment. In other instances ...
You may need to treat a cut in your mouth after playing sports, biting your cheek while eating, or due to another common injury encountered in day-to-day life. Bleeding, along with symptoms of pain ...
AVIAN FLU HAS ONLY BEEN DETECTED IN WILD BIRDS HERE IN NEW HA Dairy cattle in New Hampshire will soon be tested for avian flu in an effort to keep people who work with livestock safe. The testing ...
The Canadian Cattle Association has been looking for ways to keep Canadian beef producers going strong even as the U.S. is threatening a 25 per cent blanket tariff on the country. That work has ...
Increased size of one or more lymph nodes. Most are in the neck. Also, includes swollen lymph nodes in the armpit or groin It's larger than the same node on the other side of the body Normal nodes are ...