In the spirit of valentine ... you gave me food. I know you complain about the high cost of fuel and food, but Asiwaju is working to fix them.“I don’t want to wait till 2027 to thank you.
Always makes an effort to make me feel special on this special day reserved for Love. He often says, everyday is a Valentine’s Day with you.. That’s a feeling of warmth for Life.. My Home…Thank you ...
Valentine’s Day is one of the best days for love birds to express their love, admiration, and gratitude to the special people in their lives. Whether you’re celebrating this special day with a ...
Thank you for saying yes every single day. Thank you for saying yes to forever. Everyday is valentine’s with you and today, I pledge my unending love to you, God helping me.
Plenty to do in London around Valentine's Day, whether you're in a relationship, single... or it's complicated. Image: iStock/RyanKing999 Looking for something different to do in London this ...
How about Valentine's Day dinner at some place new ... Did you know you probably have Chaucer to thank for this romantic day? You may have read Geoffrey Chaucer's "Canterbury Tales" in a high ...
I never liked Valentine's Day, and then I met you and I understood what it was all about. Thank you for brightening up each day of my life On this Valentine's Day, I promise to be without you ...