Our vocation usually makes itself known in the first quarter of life when we are praying and deciding how to dedicate our love and energies. For some, a vocation comes later. Some people marry for the ...
But her vocation director advised her to “look at the spirituality of the community.” “The spirituality, the charism never changes,” Sister Tonia said. “Our charism is about the ...
Look with love on so many well disposed young ... To this end we call on the powerful intercession of Mary, mother and model of all vocations. We beseech you to sustain our faith with the ...
In a significant push towards transforming the vocational training landscape in Punjab, the state government is championing the cause of education as a cornerstone for development. Chief Minister ...
Doug Bichler lost his right arm in 2017. He made immediate changes to Bichler Simmentals to stay in ranching, and later North Dakota Vocational Rehabilitation helped him better adapt for the future.