By Anna Notsu Today, conservation, regardless of its form, is and should be in everyone’s interest. With the escalating threats to ecosystems worldwide, conservation has become a necessity in response ...
In addition to developing linguistic proficiency in French, students on the Anthropology and French degree learn to critically reflect on identity, culture and society. In Anthropology, they examine ...
How clans form and evolve within human societies has been modeled using a simple computer model developed by a RIKEN researcher and a collaborator. This demonstration opens the way to modeling complex ...
The Anthropology faculty in the Department of Comparative Cultural Studies offers a Master of Arts degree, with a focus on cultural anthropology. The program is a thesis-driven combination of advanced ...
Cultural and environmental anthropology, development and social movements, knowledge, science and technology, cultures of mobility, tourism, ethnographic methods; Latin America.
It is gaining a firmer foothold in the broader culture. Instead of taking a knee to call for social justice, NFL players are doing the “Trump dance” in the end zone at football games.
A healthcare provider will want to do some tests to see if there is an underlying cause for symptoms such as diarrhea, abdominal pain, and nausea or vomiting. A stool culture may be part of a number ...