When you are ready to prep your hostas for the winter, use your pruning shears to trim the stalks right where they come out ...
Pruning is a crucial step in keeping fast-growing wisteria in check, and knowing when to winter prune wisteria can make all the difference to the plant's health come spring. If you're familiar ...
A resting phase is a good time to prune. About the only time not to prune is late summer and early fall, as this might encourage late growth that wouldn't harden off in time for winter. In the North, ...
Mid- to late-winter provides an excellent opportunity to prune a variety of plants in the landscape. Plants that can be pruned now include most hedges, shrubs and shade trees, and summer-flowering ...
Pruning is an important job throughout the year, but there are certain plants which should not be pruned in January.
Hydrangeas are incredibly popular among Brits, often creating colourful and vibrant displays that define rural landscapes across the nation. The most common hydrangea varieties in the UK are ...
One key aspect to winter gardening is pruning the right plants. The best pruning shears can cut away old or dying vegetation, and encourage the plant to divert fresh energy towards new ...
Before you head outside with your pruning shears, make sure you know exactly what roses you are dealing with. While many roses benefit from a hard pruning in late winter or early spring, other ...
Pruning a fig tree annually is the gardener's secret to maintaining a happy and healthy tree. It promotes fruit production and new growth, keeps the tree at a manageable size, and enhances overall ...