During beta-oxidation, fatty acid molecules are broken down by removing two-carbon units from the carboxyl end of a fatty acid molecule to produce acetyl-CoA.
Acetyl-CoA is produced in the mitochondria, cytosol, and nucleus of cells. In the mitochondria, it is mainly formed from glycolysis and fatty acid β-oxidation with pyruvate being converted to ...
Pyruvate and Acetyl-CoA are the Two Major Metabolites that connect these pathways. · Acetyl-CoA is formed from glucose, fatty acids, ketogenic amino acids. · Acetyl-CoA can be (a) oxidized to CO 2 and ...
Dr. Wakil demonstrated the requirement of ATP and stimulatory effect of carbon dioxide on fatty acid synthesis from acetyl-CoA, and showed that long-chain fatty acids are synthesized by a system ...
For some time, our work has focused on understanding the roles of acetyl-CoA carboxylases, ACC1 and ACC2, in the regulation of fatty acid synthesis and oxidation as related to energy homeostasis. Our ...
His team identified PanK4 as a key regulator of energy metabolism in skeletal muscle, regulating glucose uptake and fatty acid oxidation and being activated by physical exercise. The study suggests ...