For the full year 2024, enterprise operating cash flow was $12.0 billion, and the company ended the fourth quarter with $6.9 billion of enterprise cash. During the year, the company deployed $7.7 ...
Il nostro passato ci proietta verso il futuro. Nel corso dell'ultimo secolo, Caterpillar è cresciuta di pari passo con i suoi clienti per contribuire a creare un mondo migliore e più sostenibile.
Lire les récents communiqués de presse de l'entreprise et les annonces d'information distribués par Caterpillar Inc. Les taxes, les frais d'expédition et de manutention, les suppléments, les frais ...
Our past points us toward our future. Over the last century, Caterpillar has grown with our customers to help build a better, more sustainable world. We’ve changed together as the world has changed: ...
Im Jahr 2021 planten Sandfire Resources und Perenti Group’s African Mining Services (AMS), einen langlebigen Kupfer-Produktionsknotenpunkt im Kupfergürtel der Kalahari zu entwickeln. Dies erforderte ...