Since their adoption more than 13 years ago, significant and substantial progress has been made in meeting many of the eight Millennium Development Goals, including visible improvements in all health ...
Además, ONU Mujeres recomienda a las entidades proveedoras suscribir los Principios para el empoderamiento de las mujeres. Para participar en los procesos de adquisición de ONU Mujeres, todos los ...
#ForAllWomenAndGirls is a rallying call for action on the 30 th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action. Nyaradzayi Gumbonzvanda from Zimbabwe, UN Women Deputy Executive ...
Más fuertes en la unión. Un pilar central del modelo del Fondo para la Igualdad de Género (FIG) consiste en acompañar a los beneficiarios en la realización de su pleno potencial como agentes de cambio ...
Every 10 minutes, partners and family members killed a woman intentionally in 2023. The crisis of gender-based violence is urgent. Nearly one in three women experience violence in their lifetime.
Girls are leaders. Girls are change-makers. Girls are driving good and growth around the world. They are a fundamental source of transformational change for gender equality, and technology is a ...
Every woman and girl has the right to a life free of violence. Let us make this a reality! Benefiting thousands of women and girls and their communities across the world, the UN Trust Fund to End ...
Cuando diferentes partes del sistema multilateral actúan conjuntamente, pueden ofrecer mejores resultados y aprovechar al máximo los escasos recursos. ONU Mujeres lidera y coordina los esfuerzos ...
#ForAllWomenandGirls is a rallying call for action on the 30 th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action. Sandra Patricia Aguilar Carabalí leads youth and women’s resistance in ...
#ForAllWomenAndGirls is a rallying call for action on the 30th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action. Adelle Onyango from Kenya talks about the women in the media and ending ...
We join the Secretary-General in expressing hope that all parties will honor their commitments to ensure this agreement paves the way for a lasting peace for women and girls in Palestine, Israel, and ...
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