"We will continue to move forward to expand the airport in a way that makes sense for our customers and our airlines," city ...
A 17-gate terminal facility is coming to San Antonio International Airport, a locus which on average has 11 million annual ...
Southwest has officially relocated from Terminal 1 to Terminal 2 at San Francisco International Airport (SFO). The relocation ...
Jacksonville’s airport expansion and modernization continues. It’s a $440 million project that includes a new concourse, ...
Southwest said it obtained a city presentation showing the carrier would remain in old Terminal A, but the slide was wiped ...
Southwest adds to allegations that airport officials misled airline executives on their intent to keep it in the San Antonio International’s oldest terminal.
Southwest Airlines is continuing its legal battle against the City of San Antonio, claiming that airport officials ...
marhaba, part of dnata and a leading global airport hospitality brand, has expanded its presence in the Philippines with the ...
United's head of lounges and premium products said that a United Club is bound for San Francisco International's Terminal 2 ...
SAN ANTONIO - The ongoing fight between Southwest Airlines and the City of San Antonio continues to escalate.The Dallas-based ...
The Chicago Department of Aviation (CDA) held a ribbon-cutting to celebrate the opening of Butcher & the Burger. “I’m proud ...
Several travelers were caught on camera tackling one another in a massive brawl that broke out at one of the world's busiest ...