The committee accused the channel of having deliberately violated the journalistic code of ethics, “consciously sacrificing these ethics on the altar of TV ratings”. It effectively accused ...
The seventh season of Diablo 4is here, bringing with it a new Witchcraft mechanic and a slight rework to the Tree of Whispers. Defeating the Headrotten that have infested Sanctuary will award valuable ...
Nicknamed “the Prince of Shadows” Abdullah Barghouti is the Palestinian political prisoner with the most number of life sentences ever given to a single detainee. A former leader of the Hamas’ ...
If you’d like to pre-order this new entry in the stealthy and stabby franchise, we’ve compiled every version of Assassin’s Creed Shadows that’s currently available to pre-order ...
The creative director of Assassin's Creed Shadows says that the decision to feature two distinct characters is part of the Assassin's Creed fandom's desire for two different types of main character.