Top per head on the day was £174 from two vendors, Victor Goaman of Stitworthy, Clovelly, Bideford for his 62kgs and AR ...
A coastguard helicopter has been circling above Plymouth and South Devon this afternoon (March 5). The red and white ...
Dozens of beaches in Cornwall have been hit with pollution warnings two days after torrential rainfall hit the county.
Sewage has been spilled at 34 beaches in Cornwall. According to charity campaign group Surfers Against Sewage, dozens of ...
Established in 1896 and located on Orange Street in Montego Bay, St James, Cornwall College is a public high school for boys.
He was released on conditional bail not to contact his alleged victim and witnesses or enter Cornwall except to attend court ... fined £1600 and ordered to pay a £640 victim surcharge and £80 costs.