为期一周的联合国政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)第62次全会3月1日在中国浙江省的杭州市落下帷幕,这是中国首次召开IPCC的全体会议,来自130多个国家的IPCC成员国政府代表、有关观察员组织和国际组织代表出席了会议。此次会议的焦点是除了审议委员 ...
丹麦星期一(3月3日)接替中国担任联合国安全理事会3月份轮值主席国。丹麦驻联合国大使克莉丝缇娜·马库斯·拉森(Christina Markus Lassen)承诺,将致力在任期内做到“建设性、创造性和一致性”,坚定履行多边主义。她强调丹麦坚守国际法,并重申安理会维护国际和平与安全的重要职责。
Left to their own devices by their absent mother, Laura and her two sisters revel in the excitement of freedom. However, when Laura receives a call that threatens to place them in foster care, she sea ...
Mathias, hailing from Denmark, has dedicated many years to the field of perovskite solar cells. He concluded his postdoctoral research at the University of Oxford in 2022 and, upon a friend's ...
A family escapes the toxic pollution and social unrest of Beirut by living in a utopic mountain home. Without warning, the government begins construction of a garbage landfill that brings the trash an ...