Fasting benefits health but worsens gout if not managed properly. Dehydration raises uric acid levels, increasing flare-ups.
According to the new guidelines, combining diet and structured exercise training can benefit the liver and cardiometabolic ...
A detailed review of a 6-month clinical trial further reinforces strong experimental evidence that a ketogenic diet may offer ...
Eating a version of the high-carbohydrate, low-fat ketogenic diet for six months led to an anti-inflammatory shift in immune ...
When you Google chronic kidney disease (CKD), you’ll find numerous articles suggesting that CKD has many causes, including: ...
Consuming a diet rich in fiber might help lower your blood cholesterol levels ... That's important: High levels of ...
Investigators have found that the gene Asah1 plays a crucial protective role in preventing the progression of nonalcoholic ...
Damage or injury to nerves causes a painful condition called neuropathy. This article reviews the safety and evidence behind ...
Omega-3 fatty acids have garnered significant interest among patients and clinicians for their potential protective health ...
Patients with diabetes mellitus and those who received uric acid-lowering agents within 3 months prior to the enrollment or during ... The estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) was calculated ...
He starts his day with a “powerhouse bowl of brain-boosting nutrients" that promote cognitive function, mood stability, and ...