Memes are the greatest source of short-form entertainment, especially on the internet, but these Far Side comics were 'memes' ...
Gary Larson’s The Far Sideis a comic strip that has the ability to somehow make anything funny. It seems The Far Side’s entire mission is to put an absurd lens on the entire world, meaning nothing is ...
308 round entering a shoulder blade on one side, slamming through the body and into the far shoulder blade ... a well-executed shot here will mean a quick death for the deer, plus a highly visible and ...
Venison is lean, organic and tasty. In a state overrun by deer, why don't we see this local meat on more menus, and where can ...
A deer herd’s age structure tells biologists a lot about overall herd health and reproductive success. Tom Koerner / USFWS “There’s a ton of good evidence and examples of deer making it to extreme ...
But the real treat was the footage beamed back to mission control of the moon's mysterious far side, only seen firsthand by 24 people, all Apollo astronauts in the 1960s and 1970s. The video ...
The 238,137 whitetails harvested during the 2024-2025 hunting season was more than the total number of deer reported from 1943 through 1980. And, Ohio hunters once again broke the buck kill mark with ...