Writers choose and build different types of sentences carefully. There are three main types of sentence structure - simple close simple sentenceA sentence containing one clause made up of a sub ...
Command sentences give instructions and tell someone to do something. They use imperative or bossy verbs, like 'jog on the spot'. If you put a bossy verb at the beginning of a sentence ...
What looks like a merely possible, and definitely speculative future in the first half of the sentence (the 'if ... the visions that fascinate many ethicists assume that similar progress ...
Time travel is fascinating to the young imagination, set here in a story with plain, repetitive language and short sentences, sprinkled with facts about castles and knights ... the books and is ...
Kyle Peterson: Finally, here is New York State Judge Juan Merchan explaining his sentence of unconditional discharge, which essentially means no penalty as the only lawful option of available to him.