And according to new research, the same may be true in the animal kingdom. Well, at least for mosquitofish -- a matchstick-sized fish endemic to ...
COMMERCIAL fishers target commercially viable fish like tuna, which the Philippines mostly export. As the Philippines marked the 27th anniversary of Republic Act 8550, or the Philippine Fisheries ...
The predators that ate the anglers’ fish were often sharks, but dolphins, barracuda and even alligators were also identified as culprits, a study said. Facebook screengrab Sport fishing has more ...
This perfectly tender and delightfully crispy fried fish doesn't lose its crunch. Having cut my teeth working at a seafood shack, I thought I knew everything there was to know about fried fish.
Here’s everything you need to know about fishing a wacky rig. The standard wacky rig is a 2/0 octopus-style hook rigged through an O-ring that’s been placed in the center of a 4- or 5-inch stick bait.
15. As its family watched on helplessly, a baby long-tailed macaque struggled to free itself from a fishing hook which was caught in its mouth. Scenes of the harrowing incident were shared in a ...
If we’re basing this list off size alone, we’d have to consider the 2-ton whale shark that Chinese commercial fishermen ... who reeled in the world-record fish did so using 6-pound test. Known as “the ...
January was filled with bitter cold conditions, but that didn't stop more than a dozen commercial fishing crews from getting out on the water to find lost fishing gear as part of a month-long ...