In a recent highlight, Justice Krishna S Dixit of the Karnataka High Court emphasized the substantial contributions of Brahmins in drafting the Indian Constitution. Speaking at the 'Vishwamitra' ...
Kanchi Kamakoti pontiff, Shankara Vijayendra Saraswathi Swami, urged Brahmins to unite for socio-economic and spiritual development. He emphasized the importance of Brahmins in sustaining Vedic ...
Justice Dixit also mentioned his past association with non-Brahmin nationalist movements, stating that after becoming a judge, he had distanced himself from all other activities and was speaking ...
Bengaluru, Jan 21 (PTI) Karnataka High Court judge Justice Krishna S Dixit has highlighted the contributions of Brahmins in drafting the Indian Constitution, citing a statement by Dr B R Ambedkar.
Indian women posses great physical features such as black hairs, perfectly arched eyebrows and broad eyes, which makes them some of the most attractive females in the world. Their lifestyle is a ...