MONTEREY, Calif. (KION-TV) — The City of Monterey is set to discuss plans to limit homeless camping in certain areas. The Council will be looking to… ...
Jessica Dupnack is a reporter born and raised in Detroit now back home, reporting on weeknights and weekends for FOX 2.This is home! Growing up in metro Detroit, it was always a dream to one day ...
SANTA CRUZ, Calif. (KION-TV) — UC Santa Cruz held a rally Friday around noon as part of the nationwide Stand Up for Science movement on the heels of… ...
Knee hyperextension occurs when the knee joint bends backward beyond its normal range of motion. Depending on the severity, this injury can cause damage to the ligaments or tendons that support this ...
Several factors can contribute to knee stiffness. Knee stiffness is characterized by tightness in the joint, possibly with pain, difficulty moving the joint, and swelling. This problem usually occurs ...