The Florida Aquarium's conservation center is taking in a record number of cold-stressed sea turtles and is currently at ...
Explore how green sea turtles adapt their nesting timing in response to climate change and rising sea temperatures.
Long-term study shows stable or growing Olive Ridley turtle population in India, but rising temperatures threaten long-term ...
Local non-profit, Sea Turtle Inc. rescued over 150 cold-stunned sea turtles in its third cold-stun event of the year. On ...
The mass nesting of Olive Ridley turtles is known as ‘arribada,' which refers to the coordinated nesting of thousands of ...
Sea turtles in Cyprus are nesting earlier each year to cope with rising temperatures. Scientists found loggerheads nesting 0.78 days earlier.
open image in gallery Both green and loggerhead sea turtles are already endangered species. How long these species can respond to elevated temperatures driven by climate change is unknown (Society ...