W ith the 2025 Grammy Awards just around the corner, step inside for a roundup of all the nominees vying for gramophones on February 2. The headlines center on Beyoncé, who leads ...
A look at the lineup of official inaugural events for the days surrounding Trump's second inauguration as president. It's possible the decision to move Trump's swearing-in indoors to the Capitol ...
We get the resistance to streaming. You're paying not to own music, just rent it. And physical media is so much better in so many ways – sound quality, tactility, artwork, a deeper connection with the ...
There’s no other school that Franklin could have been referring to, certainly not one that would regularly be in the mix for College Football Playoff contention. And he wasn’t alone in ...
NAMM 2025: It’s turning into quite the month for problem-solving switch box do-dads for music makers with more gear than inputs. After the arrival of Heritage Audio’s Synth Buddy and hot on the heels ...
Or sending your mix to multiple speakers to audition? Stop and think for a moment and its potential uses become many and varied. Our only quibble with the Synth Buddy would be with Heritage Audio’s ...