Getting ill in a new or unfamiliar country is always an upsetting experience, but if you can't escape the pesky bugs that crop up around this time of year, you can at least use it as a ...
This project was started as part of an internship at the company 46elks. The goal of the project is to create a complete learning platform on APIs in swedish, targeted at absolute beginners. This ...
This portfolio describes how the curriculum in Intermediate Swedish II in the Directed Independent Language Studies (DILS) program at CU provides students with the opportunity to learn Swedish ...
The primary task of the Learning Centre is to support and serve the teachers, researchers and students of the Swedish School of Social Science and University of Helsinki. The Learning Centre is also ...
Objectives Almost all healthcare today is team-based in collaboration over professional borders, and numerous students have work-based learning in such contexts. However, interprofessional learning ...