Over 25,000 water professionals and more than 850 exhibiting companies from all over the world will be at Aquatech Amsterdam ...
Initially slated for approval in 2024, the plan faced delays due to political disputes over new nuclear power plant construction. The draft, unveiled in May 2024, proposed building new reactors—the ...
The British engineering giant revealed in October that CEZ, the Czech state energy company, had placed the first order for its small modular reactors (SMRs) and was taking a minority stake in the ...
The inner layer was placed on the plant's fourth reactor soon after the 1986 disaster, which was one of the worst accidents in nuclear history. The containment shells seek to prevent radiation leaks.
The dismantling of a reactor pressure vessel at the Oskarshamn nuclear power plant marks the completion of a project to dismantle the RPVs of four decommissioned reactors in Sweden. Units 1 and 2 of ...
Thus, Lee awakened a $40 trillion dollar industry from a mere $40 dollar toy, the Arc Reactor™. QKC's ingenious design incorporation of the Arc Reactor™ allows for the unique Quantum Kinetic ...
ROME, Feb 4 (Reuters) - U.S. energy group Westinghouse proposed using decommissioned nuclear sites in Italy for the installation of small modular reactors, with the aim to start construction by ...
The site at Texas A&M-Rellis is expected to be able to accommodate multiple small modular reactors with a combined electrical output of more than 1 gigawatt. The Texas A&M University System has ...
Biofilms are clusters of microorganisms that ... Damaged endothelium exposes the underlying basement membrane, which consists of collagens, laminin, vitronectin and fibronectin, thereby providing ...
For instance, MD research primarily focuses on developing advanced materials and membrane modifications to address wetting issues but still encounters challenges of biofouling over time. In contrast, ...