"Data centers is one of the new industrial sectors that we've been looking at because it's part of the emerging economy and new technologies," said Arman Shehab ...
Proteins have been one of the most important biomarkers for diagnosing diseases, and field-effect transistor (FET) biosensors possess high sensitivity; are label-free; and feature real-time detection, ...
The transistor in which individual molecules are utilized as the active electronic component is a longstanding challenge from both a fundamental and technological standpoint. Rapid advances made ...
This chapter highlights the photonic characteristics of organic light‐emitting transistors (OLETs), together with the light outcoupling and emission directionality properties. It discusses the novel ...
A technical paper titled “Roadmap for Schottky barrier transistors” was published by researchers at University of Surrey, Namlab gGmbH, Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZJ), et al. “In this roadmap we ...
Researchers at the University of California- Santa Barbara have devised a new framework that could contribute to this quest, enabling the fabrication of scalable three-dimensional (3D) field-effect ...