(A) Amnion edema of meconium staining in placental membranes, 41 weeks, cesarean section for fetal distress, ×20; (B) Focal edema of the umbilical cord, 31 weeks, EXIT to airway, polyhydramnios, giant ...
Iron is an essential micronutrient for cell survival and growth; however, excess of this metal drives ferroptosis. Although maternal iron imbalance and placental hypoxia are independent contributors ...
Medical treatment is initially based upon the use of corticosteroids to treat the inflammatory process. Ordinarily, this is given in the form of high-dose prednisone or equivalent steroids ...
Eating one's placenta, or placentophagy, isn’t necessarily a new trend, but it’s one that’s gained more notoriety in recent years. While most people transform their placenta into pill-form ...
It was initially diagnosed as a mature teratoma which, according to the study's authors, are 'commonly observed benign ovarian tumors, consist of ectodermal, mesodermal, and endodermal components that ...