To the D-Day speech at Pointe du Hoc. There’s something I always want to say about it. The speech was a plain-faced one. It was about what it was about, the valor shown 40 years before by the ...
To honor the occasion more broadly, Reagan chose to focus on “the boys of Pointe du Hoc,” choosing the “lonely windswept point on the northern shores of France” as both the setting and the ...
Mais les projets de l'ampleur de la pointe du Hoc sont rares. En France, les derniers remontaient aux années 80. "Il y a eu Biarritz (7400 m3 de béton, 150 tonnes dacier) et dans une moindre ...
The assault on Pointe du Hoc was a key battle of the D-Day invasion. Image: National Archives President Reagan addresses the surviving U.S. Army veterans of the assault against Pointe du Hoc on ...
My new book, Dog Company: The Boys of Pointe du Hoc, chronicles that epic battle, as well as the other heroic efforts of this remarkable Ranger company. “Fix bayonets!” barked a hulking Ranger ...
surpris par la marée montante dans le secteur de la Pointe du Hoc, au nord-ouest du Calvados. Tous sont sains et saufs. Immédiatement, le Cross Jobourg, le centre opérationnel de surveillance ...
It’s June 6th, 1944 D-Day. At Pointe du Hoc the Rangers need to scale the cliffs and capture or disable the guns. Aside from the forces that are to fight at the five major landing zones ...
On Friday, US President Joe Biden spoke at the iconic site of Pointe Du Hoc near Normandy in France. Ronald Reagan did the same in 1984. The two presidents visited the site as part of the ...
Quatre personnes et cinq chiens ont été secourus à la point du Hoc (Calvados), ce jeudi 20 février 2025. - BFM Normandie Quatre personnes et cinq chiens ont été secourus à la pointe du Hoc ...