Artur Schnabel’s dictum that great music is always greater than it can ever be performed is never more apposite than with Beethoven ... his point. Symphony No. 1 Symphony No. 2 Symphony No. 3, 'Eroica ...
The concert started with Jean Sibelius’s mighty yet enigmatic tone poem Tapiola. Sibelius described the work to his publisher ...
Symphony number one in C major was his first ... especially on weaker beats. Beethoven’s famous Symphony No. 5 is a good example of how Beethoven’s symphonic style develops.
As the Jacksonville Symphony's 75th season continues, guest performers include Irish pianist Barry Douglas, ...
The Lakes Region Symphony Orchestra will host a captivating musical adventure with its March concert, “Vienna to Berlin – A Germanic Journey” on Saturday, March 22, at 7 ...
In his programming of the latest pair of concerts by the Spokane Symphony, the fifth in this ... composer of the 19th century: Ludwig van Beethoven – the Overture to his opera “Fidelio ...