Roses, chrysanthemums, gerberas, orchids, and carnations — flowers that require precise temperature and humidity control — ...
I never cease to marvel at plants that look fresh and clean despite a minimum amount of water, if any, needed for their care.
Sempervivums: These are pretty irresistible with an array of colors and textures, from purples to silvers to greens, and some even have a delicate webbing. Great for outdoor pots/containers, rock ...
Bride Jenny Tice was walked down the aisle at her Jan. 31 wedding by Dr. Carlos Esquivel, the pediatric transplant surgeon ...
With that in mind, then, experts generally advise that the best time to plant ranunculus is in March if you want them to ...
I spoke at the Michigan Green Industry Association’s annual conference in Novi, Mich. One topic was “Annuals and Perennials for Commercial Landscapes,” and the other was “We Have Met the Enemy and He ...
‘A classic cottage garden is a picture of romance with soft shapes, colourful flowers, and sweet smells filling the air,’ ...
Roses are amazingly popular in Utah. Learn all about the different standard classes of roses, when they bloom, and how to ...
A gardening expert has put together their best tips and tricks to grow perfect roses in your garden this spring ...
In the garden in March, turn your attention to planting bare-root roses, herbaceous perennials and hedges, just in time for ...
Planting Edmonds is a monthly column by and for local gardeners. Have you ever wondered how to create a garden that engages ...
Gardening in March means waiting to plant until the last freeze. Learn more about Forks on Fridays gardening classes in Winston-Salem.