王毅指出,中国一贯坚决打击贩毒制毒,是当今世界禁毒政策最严格、最彻底的国家。早在2019年,我们就应美方请求,在世界上率先列管所有芬太尼类物质。而芬太尼在美国的滥用是美国自身要面对和解决的问题。中方本着人道主义精神,为美国提供了各种帮助,美方不应以怨 ...
The United States should work with China in the same direction to resolve trade disputes through equal-footed consultation, a ...
Sanctions targeting businesses in China's Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region over accusations of "forced labor" have become one ...
US President Donald Trump on Tuesday repeated his pledge to take both the Panama Canal and Greenland. "To further enhance our ...
现任美国副总统万斯在此之前一直在推动英语成为美国的官方语言。他甚至在担任议员期间,共同提出了一项法案 the English Language Unity Act,要美国联邦政府在共同环境使用英语。
WASHINGTON, March 5 (Xinhua) -- The White House said on Wednesday that U.S. President Donald Trump is granting a one-month exemption to three major automakers from the newly imposed 25-percent tariffs ...
In recent years, he has focused on global economic restructuring, the impact of AI on growth, and the evolution of a ...
The implementation of the "GBA Standard Contract" allows individuals and institutions in the nine mainland cities in the GBA and Hong Kong to establish standard contracts based on the voluntary ...
综合路透社、英国广播公司、《印度斯坦时报》周六报导,乌克兰总统泽伦斯基周五在华府白宫与美国总统川普大吵一架,据说川普下了逐客令把泽伦斯基赶出白宫,乌克兰极其需要美国支援以抵挡俄罗斯持续入侵,如此重要盟友却在峰会场合撕破脸。美国副总统范斯几度质疑泽伦斯基未曾在会谈过程向美国道谢、不知感激。泽伦斯基离开白宫后在社群平台X发文数度致谢美国,致谢对象甚至标注了美国总统的官方帐号,接受美国媒体访问时也持续致 ...