Why does Jupiter look like it has a surface – even though it doesn’t have one? – Sejal, age 7, Bangalore, India The planet Jupiter has no solid ground – no surface, like the grass or dirt ...
If there was a contest for the most interesting moon in our solar system, Callisto would be a contender. Jupiter's ...
What views of the night sky would we have if we had evolved on the Jupiter moon Europa, or one of the TRAPPIST-1 planets?
But from space, it’s far harder to see Jupiter’s hostility to life forms. In fact, this color-enhanced image of Jupiter’s cloud belts, taken by the Juno spacecraft, makes the planet look ...
NASA's Juno spacecraft has been orbiting Jupiter since July, 2016. But only just recently have scientists had a chance to analyze all of its data — and the results are painting a different ...
When compared to giant, gaseous planets like Jupiter and Saturn ... But when compared to its parent planet, Jupiter, this sprightly moon looks minuscule and harmless. The image of Io that John ...
Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system, will take an outsized place in our night sky on Tuesday, May 8. Head outside after sunset this evening and look to ... use an app like Star Walk ...
Callisto, one of Jupiter’s largest moons, looks like a boring, crater-filled world. It doesn’t seem to have much going on compared to some of Jupiter’s other moons, like Europa. However, in the 1990s, ...
Unlike Earth and other rocky planets, Jupiter lacks a solid surface. It’s composed entirely ... hot mixture of liquid and solid-like metallic elements, although it is not solid in the ...