Discover 13 proven study techniques to save time, boost retention, and transform your learning process. Study smarter, not ...
The work-study component of a financial aid award represents the opportunity to have a job on campus or through one of our off-campus employment partners. Students are responsible for finding a ...
Many of them land those jobs through the federal work-study program. The work-study program is a type of need-based financial aid that allows students to work part-time jobs and earn money.
and interpersonal dynamics of work-study roles Build values, skills, and character When you graduate from Luther, you’ll possess both a college degree and the skills to make a difference in your ...
The employer benefits from hiring a work study student because the funds pay up to 75 percent of the wages earned. The student benefits by earning wages and learning new skills while working around ...
Federal work-study was established in 1964 to help college students with financial need pay for their education through ...
Federal Work Study is an award that allows students to earn income while working on-campus or with an approved off-campus non-profit agency. Federal Work-Study (FWS) is a type of financial aid offered ...
Work-study is need-based financial aid that allows students to earn money by working part-time jobs. Work-study jobs are like regular jobs; students are paid only for the hours they work, taxed on ...
Summer financial aid (including work-study) is separate from your academic year financial aid. Students interested in summer work-study will automatically be offered after completing the summer ...
Before you apply for a Federal Work Study job, please check your Financial Aid award for the current academic year to see if you are eligible. If you have any questions about your eligibility, please ...