The Green Party of Canada is proud to announce that Co-Leader Jonathan Pedneault will represent the Party at the federal leaders’ debates in both English and French during the upcoming election.
The rise of fascism within the United States under Donald Trump is a grave danger, not only to Americans but to all who hold democratic values dear.” The Green Party recognizes the current US ...
Elizabeth is a powerhouse in Canadian politics. As the first Green MP elected to Parliament and current Co-Leader of the ...
For interview requests or to contact our communications department, please email [email protected].
We are more than a political party—we are a movement powered by people like you, working together to build a better Canada ...
Volunteers are the heartbeat of the Green Party of Canada. Across the nation, they work tirelessly in their communities, engaging the grassroots and building strong local organizations. We need your ...
“It’s beyond time we change the system. Not just on the surface, but as fundamentally as possible, to ensure that we get back to the essentials and protect them: community, love, life, and a feeling ...
Co-Leader Jonathan Pedneault noted that CBC/Radio-Canada is well supported by viewers in Quebec: “In light of the current threats emanating from the US, perhaps viewers and listeners everywhere in ...
The Green movement emerged in the 1960s as a rejection of consumer culture, embracing peace, justice, and environmental responsibility. While some grassroots efforts faded, the movement only grew ...
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Our party is funded by grassroots supporters like you chipping in what they can, when they can.
Elizabeth May is one of Canada’s best known parliamentarians and is a life-long environmental advocate. Prior to running for elected office, she worked as a lawyer, a governmental policy advisor and ...