SECTION -B 2. Answer the following (10x2=20) Principles of projection geometry. Write two uses of collimation. Define focal through and write any two principal advantages of panoramic …
What is an Ideal Radiograph? State the Rules of Projection Geometry. Describe the principles, advantages and disadvantages of Bisecting Angle Technique and Paralleling Technique.
(NOTE: You can play the video and continue to scroll) The 6th Chromosome in humans, unfortunately, shares a numerical identity with what a few religions consider to be the Devil. It …
Hepatic encephalopathy is due to rise in ammonia levels in blood Etiopathogenesis : Increased ammonia level in blood (Most important) Increase in short chain fatty acids Rise in methionine …
What are the various levels of Prevention.Write in detail about the primary and Secondary level of prevention of oral cancer. What do you understand by social sciences ?
f) A 55 years old hypertensive male comes with complaints of dry and painful eyes for few weeks. On examination, he was afebrile, BP was 150/98 mm of Hg. Facial and lower limb oedema …
1) What is the probable diagnosis? 2) What is the reason behind the transient increase in serum bilirubin? 3) What is the basis of ultra-violet light therapy? if the se um bilirubin levels increase …