A federal government website managed and paid for by the U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. 7500 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21244
visit Medicare.gov and search for “Online Bill Pay.” For more information about ways to pay your bill call 1-800-MEDICARE. TTY users call 1-877-486-2048. Phone payments are not accepted. Information About Check Payments When you pay by check, you authorize the Medicare Premium Collection Center to use the information from
Your Medicare Coverage
If you have Medicare (or care for someone who does), use this list to check for nationally covered items and services. Remember: Medicare coverage for many other tests, items, and services depends on where you live.
Medicare covers Pap tests and pelvic exams to check for cervical and vaginal cancers. As part of the pelvic exam, Medicare also covers a clinical breast exam to check for breast cancer.
For more details about Medicare’s coverage of preventive services, including your costs in Original Medicare, visit Medicare.gov/publications to view or print the booklet “Your Guide to Medicare Preventive Services.”
Welcome to Medicare | Medicare
Get your Medicare information faster by getting your “Medicare & You” handbook and Medicare Summary Notices (MSNs) electronically.
Providers & Services - Medicare
Learn what Original Medicare covers, learn how to get care in a disaster, or learn how to check your claims.
Find Healthcare Providers: Compare Care Near You - Medicare
Find Medicare-approved providers near you & compare care quality for nursing homes, doctors, hospitals, hospice centers, more. Official Medicare site.
How to Pay Part A & Part B premiums | Medicare
If you don’t have your payment coupon, write your Medicare Number on the check or money order. If your payment isn’t processed on time, you risk losing your coverage. The fastest way to pay your premium is online through your Medicare account or using Medicare Easy Pay.
Medicare pays for you to get health care services in your home if you meet certain eligibility criteria and if the services are considered reasonable and necessary for the treatment of your illness or injury. This booklet describes the home health care services that Medicare covers, and how to get those benefits through Medicare.