Instructions For Cleaning and Disinfecting Sinus Rinse™ bottle & NasaFlo® Neti Pot & use in Dishwasher & Microwave. Before each use, look for any signs of discoloration in the bottle, …
Clean the bottle and cap. Air dry the Sinus Rinse™ bottle, cap, and tube on a clean paper towel, a lint free towel, or use NeilMed ® NasaDOCK ® or NasaDOCK plus ™ (sold separately) to …
2018年12月31日 · Our recommendation to replace the bottle every three months. We strongly suggest that you follow all these steps after each use of the product.Step 1: Rinse the cap, …
Instructions For Cleaning and Disinfecting Sinus Rinse ™ bottle & NasaFlo ® Neti Pot & use in Dishwasher & Microwave Before each use, look for any signs of discoloration in the bottle, cap …
Cleaning: Clean the device with soap and water and shake off any excess water. Place the bottle, cap and tube in the microwave for 60 to 120 seconds. This will disinfect the bottle, cap and …
Step 1 Please wash your hands. Fill the clean bottle with the designated volume of either distilled, micro-filtered (through 0.2 micron filter), commercially bottled or previously boiled and cooled …
How to use the NeilMed Sinus Rinse: Step1: Wash your hands to avoid contaminating the product Step 2: Warm up distilled or previously boiled water until it is slightly warm. You can warm …
Nasal Washing Procedure 1. We prefer using the Neil Med Sinus Rinse Kit for ease of use. 2. Wash your hands. 3. Fill the bottle with room temperature distilled water to the fill line on the …
Do your sinus rinse 2 times a day, in the morning and at night. Follow these steps each time: 1. Wash your hands well. 2. Before using the NeilMed bottle and straw, check for any color …
** Sinus rinse works by gently and naturally cleansing your nasal passages of the excessive mucus & rinsing will reduce inflammation of mucosa membrane.