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  1. 定焦镜头的focus range是什么意思? - 知乎

    2023年8月31日 · Focus range 是對焦範圍,上圖指 0.1 米至無限遠。 換言之,拍攝的標的物,距離小於 0.1 米,則對不到焦。 需要近距離拍攝,通常用微距鏡。 如下图,是一个8mm定焦镜头。 参数表中的Focus范围为0.1m到无穷大,这个参数指的是什么意思呢? 狭义的理解…

  2. What does it mean when macro focus range and normal focus range

    2017年1月17日 · It simply means that the range through which the camera will search for focus in standard and macro mode is the same. This almost makes macro mode pointless but it can have other side-effects such as preferring a smaller aperture to increase depth-of-field.

  3. Understanding Focal Length and Focal Distance Difference

    2024年3月6日 · Focal distance, also known as the focusing distance, refers to the physical distance between the subject you’re photographing and the camera’s image sensor. Unlike focal length, which is a fixed property of the lens, focal distance changes dynamically as you adjust the lens to focus on subjects at different distances.

  4. Hyperfocal distance - Wikipedia

    In optics and photography, hyperfocal distance is a distance from a lens beyond which all objects can be brought into an "acceptable" focus. As the hyperfocal distance is the focus distance giving the maximum depth of field, it is the most desirable distance to set the focus of a …

  5. Focusing Basics | Aperture and Depth of Field - ExposureGuide.com

    Shallow is when the included focus range is very narrow, a few inches to several feet. Deep is when the included range is a couple of yards to infinity. In both cases DOF is measured in front of the focus point and behind the focus point. DOF is determined by three factors – aperture size, distance from the lens, and the focal length of the lens.

  6. How to Get Everything in Focus - Michael Frye Photography

    2020年4月20日 · How do you get everything in focus in a landscape photograph? It starts with focusing at the right distance. Here are some quick, accurate ways of finding that optimum focus point.

  7. 景深与焦深 | 爱特蒙特光学 - Edmund Optics

    景深曲线可用于查看镜头在特定细节尺寸下,给定景深范围内的实际表现(镜头性能曲线)。 这些图形不仅考虑了与f/#设置相关的理论限制,还权衡了镜头设计本身的像差影响。 图1中显示了在固定频率20 lp/mm(图像细节)下,工作距离范围内(X轴)的对比度级别(Y轴)。 请注意图1a(在f/2.8下设置)和图1b(在f/4下设置)之间的景深差別。 还需注意的是,由于放大倍率減小,最佳焦点以外有比最佳焦点和镜头之间更多的可用景深。 图形本身包含不同的彩色线条, …

  8. Hyperfocal Distance and Depth of Field - Photo Masters

    2024年5月24日 · Depth of field (DOF), also called focus range or effective focus range, is the distance between the nearest and farthest objects in a scene that appear acceptably sharp in an image. Although a lens can precisely focus at only one distance at a time, the decrease in sharpness is gradual on each side of the focused distance, so that within the ...

  9. 一次搞懂鏡頭上的焦距、焦點與視角 | DIGIPHOTO

    2011年10月24日 · 為統一起見,在說明凸透鏡的曲率時,我們通常以自無限遠處平行投射過來的光線聚焦到焦平面時所需的距離來計算,焦距越長,曲率便越低;焦距越短,曲率便越高。 焦距的計算單位為毫米(mm)。 焦距也代表著鏡頭的望遠能力,焦距越長,鏡頭就可以「看」得越遠,但是能看到的範圍也比較小。 為了讓使用者能輕鬆區分鏡頭的功能,一般我們將視野相當接近我們肉眼的50mm焦距鏡頭稱為「標準鏡頭」,概略地將焦距比標準鏡頭長者稱為望遠鏡頭,焦距比 …

  10. Focus Range Techniques to Improve Your Photos

    Focus range, also known as depth of field (DoF), is simply the measure of how much of the subject is in focus. Deep focus range means everything in the frame is in focus. Medium focus range means the subject is in focus and a some of the background is in focus.

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