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  1. Tromba marina - Wikipedia

    A tromba marina, marine trumpet or nuns' fiddle, (Fr. trompette marine; Ger. Marientrompete, Trompetengeige, Nonnengeige or Trumscheit, Pol. tubmaryna) is a triangular bowed string instrument used in medieval and Renaissance Europe that was highly popular in the 15th century in England and survived into the 18th century.

  2. Tromba Marina and Ermita Hill – Baler, Aurora - Wondering …

    Tromba Marina was the name given to the destructive tidal wave that struck Baler, Aurora on December 27, 1735. This monstrous wave caught everyone off-guard when it arrived around 2:00 AM. The town was devastated in seconds and many lives were immediately lost.

  3. Tromba marina | Stary Olsa

    A tromba marina (Ger. Marientrompete, Trompetengeige, Nonnengeige or Trumscheit) is a West European triangular bowed string instrument without frets. It was highly popular in the 15th century in England and survived into the 18th century in different modifications.

  4. Tromba Marina | Unprofitable Instruments

    The Baroque trumpet marine is a marvelous instrument. Its single string is nearly two meters long, and is played entirely with harmonics. A vibrating bridge amplifies the sound and creates a brassy buzz. This instrument is a copy of an extant instrument by Johann Ulrich Fischer in 1720.

  5. Unprofitable Instruments

    When Sebastian Virdung set about writing an instrument manual in 1511, he described the rebec and the trumpet marine as "unprofitable instruments," a disparaging remark indeed. However, his only real complaint was that he was unable to describe how to play them — the only way for a person to learn that was to practice!

  6. This instrument is the musical love-child of a double bass and a ...

    2016年12月7日 · This is the Tromba Marina – an instrument that was popular in medieval and Renaissance Europe and which sounds like literally nothing else we’ve ever heard The ‘marine trumpet’ has one long, thick playing string which is bowed and a host of resonating strings.

  7. Tromba marina - Wikiwand

    A tromba marina, marine trumpet or nuns' fiddle, (Fr. trompette marine; Ger. Marientrompete, Trompetengeige, Nonnengeige or Trumscheit, Pol. tubmaryna) is a triangular bowed string instrument used in medieval and Renaissance Europe that was highly popular in the 15th century in England and survived into the 18th century.

  8. Tromba Marina - A Study in Organology - Oriscus

    Basically, the tromba marina is a long (four to seven feet), bowed monochord. The body of the instrument is of two general types, the earlier being of three slats of wood joined to form an elongated triangular pyramid with a pegbox at the apex.

  9. Tromba Marina - Owen Morse-Brown

    The Tromba Marina is a bowed monochord that is played entirely with harmonics. The sound as suggested by its name is remarkably similar to that of a natural trumpet and at a distance it would be difficult to distinguish between the two!

  10. Tromba Marina - Chapter One: Historical Development of Form

    In his Dodecachordon (1530), he described the tromba marina as an instrument of the German and French street musicians dwelling near the Rhine and ascribed its invention to them. Their instrument was about five feet long and each of the three boards measured three and one half inches across at the broad end and one and a half at the top.