  1. 昆虫是节肢动物门昆虫纲的蜕皮动物的总称,为世界上最繁盛的动物类群,据估算全球约有550万种,现已发现超过100万个物种,占已描述的真核生物的一半以上。在现已命名的24个现生目中,大约90%的昆虫物种都归属于鞘翅目、鳞翅目、双翅目、膜翅目和半翅目这五个多样性最丰富的目,各自的物种数都在10万以上——相比之下,排名第六的直翅目则不足24000种。 目前普遍采用的昆虫的狭义定义是指包括石蛃目、衣鱼目、有翅类在内的一个集合,又称为外颚类;即昆虫纲与外颚类为同义词。原本昆虫的定义涵盖无翅亚纲及有翅亚纲,但由于现今系统发生学研究显示无翅亚纲并非单系群,所以它不应为一分类群;现今,昆虫的定义已不含弹尾目、原尾目、双尾目这三个无翅节肢动物类群,而是将其改归属于内口纲。昆虫纲和内口纲一起组成了六足亚门。

    The word insect comes from the Latin word insectum from in, "cut up", as insects appear to be cut into three parts. The Latin word was introduced by Pliny the Elder who calqued the Ancient Greek word ἔντομον éntomon "insect… 展开

    Insects and other bugs

    In common speech, insects and other terrestrial arthropods are often called bugs. Entomologists to some extent reserve the name "bugs" for a narrow category of "true bugs", insects of the order Hemiptera, such as … 展开

    Phylogeny and evolution

    Insects form a clade, a natural group with a common ancestor, among the arthropods. A phylogenetic analysis by Kjer et al. (2016) places the insects among the Hexapoda, six-legged animals with segmented bodies; their closest relat… 展开

    Morphology and physiology

    Insects have a segmented body supported by an exoskeleton, the hard outer covering made mostly of chitin. The body is organized into three interconnected units: the head, thorax and abdomen. The head supports a pair o… 展开

  1. Insect - Wikipedia

    Insects are hexapod invertebrates with a three-part body, compound eyes, antennae, and often wings. They are the most diverse group of animals, with over a million described species, and have various lifestyles, habitats, and …

  2. Insect | Definition, Characteristics, Types, Beneficial, Pest ...

    Insects are the largest class of arthropods, with segmented bodies, jointed legs, and external skeletons. They have diverse forms, sizes, habits, and adaptations, …

    • insect, (class Insecta or Hexapoda), any member of the largest class of the phylum Arthropoda, …
      In a popular sense, “insect” usually refers to familiar pests or disease carriers, such as bedbugs, houseflies, clothes moths, Japanese beetles, aphids, mosquitoes, fleas, horseflies, and hornets, or to conspicuous groups, such as butterflies, moths, and beetles. Many insects, however, are b…
  3. What Is an Insect? - Smithsonian National Museum of Natural …

    Learn the features that all insects share and how to identify them from other arthropods. Watch a video and explore the diversity, adaptations, and importance of insects for students in grades 3-5.

  4. Insect - Definition, Types, List, Life Cycle, Anatomy,

    2024年5月16日 · Insects are six-legged invertebrates with a hard exoskeleton and a three-part body. They have a diverse range of body plans, organs, and behaviors, and belong to the class Insecta within the phylum Arthropoda.

  5. What Are Insects? Basic Insect Anatomy - ThoughtCo

    2019年12月10日 · Insects are arthropods with three pairs of legs and three body regions: head, thorax, and abdomen. They have a variety of mouthparts, antennae, eyes, wings, and legs that help them feed, perceive, and move in …

  6. Insects: The Ultimate Guide. Pictures, Facts & Info For …

    2019年10月16日 · Learn what insects are, how they breathe, how they metamorphose, and why they are important for life on Earth. Explore pictures, facts, and information on different insect groups and their roles in ecosystems.

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  8. insect - Kids | Britannica Kids | Homework Help

    Learn what insects are, how they look, where they live, and how they behave. Find out about the different kinds of insects, their life cycles, and their helpful and harmful roles.

  9. Insect - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Insects are a class in the phylum Arthropoda. [2] They are small terrestrial invertebrates which have a hard exoskeleton. Insects are the largest group of animals on Earth by far: about …

  10. What are insects? And how many insects are there in the world?

    What are insects? And how many insects are there in the world?

  11. What Is An Insect? - Museum of the Earth

    Insects are the most diverse group of animals. They are arthropods: animals with a hard external skeleton, or exoskeleton. An exoskeleton is like a suit of armor, made of hardened plates with flexible joints that allow the animal to move.